35 events found.
Session 2: Tuesday, November 12 at 4:00 PM PT | 7:00 PM ET Chapters 4–5, Phonological Awareness and Phonics Development Among English Learners Please join state chapters of The Reading League in California, Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York, as well as Collaborative Classroom, for a four-part virtual book study on Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan's Literacy Foundations for English Learners. This essential text gives educators a solid base in helping English learners develop strong literacy skills. Book study attendees will: Gain an understanding of the essential language and literacy development of English learners Get insight from reliable research on how to best teach English learners the [...]
The California Reading Summit brings together leaders in improving reading results in California to share successes and struggles, and help chart the course to move our state forward. Attendance is free, but registration required and space is limited. This year's event focuses on "Moving the Needle" in schools and districts. We will hear from school districts across CA and the US, on how they have implemented early literacy initiativesand "moved the needle" on student success. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind event!
Did you know that Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) occurs in 1-14 Kindergarten students? Developmental language disorder (DLD) is a communication disorder that interferes with learning, understanding, and using language. (NIH:NIDCD) We will learn more about DLD from specialist, Dr. Kate Radville. We will also host regional break-out rooms so you can connect with other science of reading leaders and educators in your area! See you there!